Kurt, leaving aside any actual "Geist" in the "Zeit", I'm curious what you think about cultural changes over time. It does feel to me, as Matthew B. Crawford wrote recently (see https://mcrawford.substack.com/p/a-shift-in-the-wind for details), that we're experiencing a shift in the wind. I could write more, but I'll merely ask the question for now.

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Great essay, Kurt! I love the history and philosophy packed into it as well. Lots to think on after reading! And I appreciate your level-headed commentary on such a hot button issue :)

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Fascinating read about Zeitgeist and the cult of Trump. We have a frightening road ahead of us. With all the prevalence of misinformation and a somewhat lazy public, the cult continues to get fed in its silo and we are on the merry road of madness. Thanks for your efforts.

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